Project 10 : MIROC14

Robotics is a rapidly growing field, as technological advances continue, research, design, and building new robots serve various practical purposes. However, robotic technology in our country need more exploration and extensive research so that applications can be enjoyed by all people in our country especially the youth because robots have become a popular educational tools among them.

Therefore, UniMAP is taking this opportunity to once again organise The 4th Malaysian International Robot Competitions (MIRoC) and will be held in 11th -13th April 2014, with ever more entry openings to Malaysian and lnternational public and private institute of higher learning and also to secondary schools.

In 2013, MIRoC has been successfully organised in April 2013 with a total of 96 teams from 45 institutions and 40 teams from 24 secondary schools were involved in the competition. An enthusiastic participation has shown that robotic technology had flourished in Malaysia and has become one of the niche areas in almost every academic institution.

Category Of Competitions
Universities (Malaysia and International):

Paintball Robot
Paintball Robot is a game based on an actual paintball competition. The basic rule of the games is roughly same with the paintball competition. The robots are considered VICTORY when the robots can insert all of their flag into three (3) opposition’s flag station. Three (3) flags are provided for each team and must be preloaded to each robot before starting the game. Each match is contested by red and blue teams. A match lasts five minutes.

Poster Presentation Competition
The introduction of Poster Presentation Competition in MIRoC 2013 will create an opportunity for the participating teams to provide important information about their robots in a more creative and effective way. The presentation medium that has been chosen for this competition is the poster, which is a useful communication tool for sharing ideas and messages. It will also allow others to appreciate the work that has been done. It is hoped that this competition will further contribute to the excitement of this coming delightful event.

Techno Team UTM
We are WINNER..!

Mainboard dsPic33EP512MU814
Motor Driver Relay
Motor Driver Saber-tooth
Module Robot 1
IC burn

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