Project 9 : Singapore Robotics Games 14

The 21st Singapore Robotic Games 2014

Recognizing the need to induce interest in automation to our young, the automation club was formed in several secondary schools. At this level, they would have acquired the necessary background to be able to do some automation projects. Since the secondary schools do not have infrastructure for automation projects, they need support from tertiary institutions to get them started. All Singapore Robot Games will have at least one competition targeted for Secondary School participation.

The objectives of the Singapore Robotic Games are:
  • to inculcate in the general public an understanding and appreciation of robotics and automation;
  • to educate the general public on the things robots can do that are quite apart from industrial tasks;
  • to help in the technology development by providing benchmarks for practical robotics research and development; and
  • to encourage innovation in design among young engineers and provide them with a forum to display their works
The 21st Singapore Robotic Games 2014 is scheduled to be held from 27 to 28 January 2014 at Tay Eng Soon Convention Centre, ITE Headquarters, Singapore. Sixteen events are planned for the games. They are:
  • Open Category
  • Legged Robot Marathon Race
  • Wall Climbing Robot Competition
  • Pole-Balancing Robot Competition
  • International Robot Contest - Challenge Course
  • RC Sumo Robot Competition (My Category)
  • Autonomous Sumo Robot Competition
  • Picomouse Competition (Open, JC/ITE and Sec.Sch.)
  • Robot Colony Competition
  • Schools Robotic Competitions (for secondary schools)
  • RC & Autonomous Underwater Robot Competition
  • Robot Soccer Competition, and
  • Humanoid Robot Competition
SRG 2014 is open to all, and international participation is encouraged.

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